
Based on SCM pressure measurement control system research and development

1 introduction
At present our country development coal production mechanization developing rapidly. The application of fully mechanized mining equipment, is to improve the efficiency, improve security measures. Open the chance of a influence factors to the ceiling is stents control is good or bad, therefore, the fully mechanized working face pressure monitoring and control for mine is very necessary. To do this, first need to work underground the hydraulic support's actual working condition monitoring, through to the inspection data processing, analysis, to assess its effect, and adopt corresponding measures to improve the probability, improve the production. This paper in order to monitor hydraulic supporting pressure for the research content, developed
 a set of pressure measurement based on single chip microcomputer control system.
2 pressure measurement control system function design
? pressure measurement
Pressure measurement control system structure as shown in figure 1 shows, it on the 80 C51 SCM as the core, including sensors, optical coupling, multi-channel data switch, LCD monitor, SRAM, EPROM, automatic reset circuit, RS-485 interface circuit and efficient power supply circuit, etc. The introduction of their respective respectively design characteristics.
3.1 sensor
The design of the sensor in front of the piston transmitting pressure hydraulic string wide range resonant sensor, sensor output amplitude for 5 v rectangle wave.
3.2 signal input circuit
(1) more road data switch (more road data selector) 74 HC151
74 HC 151 is 8 choose 1 data selector, it has eight data input D0-D7, A choose the end S, 3 data choice end A, B, C and two output terminal Y, W. When the 3 data choice end A, B, C from 000 to 111 between change, can choose not to

