
Astronomy 36mm Green/Red/Blue Light gree Filter

Astronomy 36mm Green/Red/Blue Light gree Filter
Red The red filter blocks blue and green light nearly in total, which means you get a very strong contrast, for instance, between bluish toned structures and the brighter details on Jupiter's and Saturne's clouded surface. However, this filter is mainly used to observe Martian polar caps.
Blue The light blue filter is suitable for Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturne observation. It improves contrast on faint areas without affecting the planet's brightness, which is why this filter is often used in combination with others.

Green  The light green filter is ideal for observing the ice caps on Mars and the yellowish sand storms on the Martian surface. It also improves the contrast of reddish and bluish structures in Jupiter's atmosphere.


Excuse me, what is ∑-enables delta digital-to-analog converters, it's what is the principle

Excuse me, what is ∑-enables delta digital-to-analog converters, it's what is the principle
∑-train A/D converter
- -motor speed and position can by monitoring the motor of each phase current to judgment. ∑-train A/D converter can very accurately monitoring current, so for the motor control application is very ideal. In crane, water pump and fan and so on many kinds of industrial application, motor in high temperature or dangerous work environment. In these applications, internal security is very important, must be isolated current.
- -isolating circuit and digital-to-analog circuit integrated together can in a single package to realize high data transfer rate, low power dissipation and current isolation. ∑-enables delta provide a flow data modulator serial format-the average and on time is proportional to the input signal--so that they are easy to segregation.
Used to convert intermediate frequency signal baseband signal. Provide the first signal source ?

Analog-to-digital conversion

Analog-to-digital conversion
Analog-to-digital conversion, higher than the voltage value for 1 A1, A2 value less than the voltage is 0, A1, A2 have some difference between values, so in the A1, A2 the value is between how take? Error processing do?
Good question:
? Aristotle binary logic is that we call the classical logic.
? binary logic can only handle is with the problem, but if the answer is not 0 s and 1 but like choice questions have many choices when it need more value the logic 【 can only handle Discrete Event (Discrete Event) 】.
? Continuous events (Continuous Event), and then need fuzzy logic for the fuzzy logic reasoning is the most basic: if P is Q of the proposition 】
? classical logic is just a special case of the fuzzy logic
From the above definition, look out to solve problems? I have heard the Fuzzy theory (Fuzzy)? "It is you put forward solutions to problems 】
Fuzzy is a new mathematical, originated in 1965 in the United States in the university of California, Berkeley (Berkeley) of the firm's (L.A. Zadeh) professor, simple

DA converter classification

DA converter classification
http://www.siliconray.com/audio-amateur/dac.htmlDA converter circuit inside the form without too much difference, the output is general current or the voltage, can make multiplication of classification. Most DA converter by resistor and n current switch (or voltage switch) constitutes. According to the digital input value switch, produce in proportion to the input current (or voltage). In addition, also have to improve the accuracy and the constant current source into the internal components. Generally speaking, because of the current switch switch small error, mostly using current switch type circuit, current switch type circuit output generated current if directly, it is current output type DA converter, if the current 椀 Samuel coffin? Su may slow the early shang? The values? So Samuel Su names? / FONT > DA converter. In addition, the voltage switch type circuit for direct output voltage type DA converter.


51 base, how to learn the ARM.

51 base, how to learn the ARM.
Estimates that you don't have the basis of ARM, don't suggest you from ARM7 or ARM9 began to learn the development of the ARM, and suggest you from the latest CortexM3 kernel start, because CortexM3 kernel is easy to operate and at the core of main ARM and technology, CortexM3 kernel single-chip microcomputer chip currently have Luminary and ST two about 100 chip, 2009 Atmel company and NXP company will also launch CortexM3 kernel single-chip microcomputer chip.
At present, there are a few a few books, but don't recommend, the proposal had better see a direct manufacturers Chinese material, if English good direct watching English material better. In addition, the proposal from the manufacturer out of the program example beginning, problem BBS it asked.
Luminary of the kernel's and ST CortexM3 single-chip microcomputer, development environment can use IAR company EWARM development environment, or ARM/Keil company MDK development environment, to software development ?

What are some of the characteristics of the ARM processor?

What are some of the characteristics of the ARM processor?
ARM have seven the operating mode: user mode, rapid interrupt mode, external interrupt mode, the mode of management, the data access to suspend mode, not defined instruction to suspend mode, system model. In addition to the user mode, the other six are privilege mode. The model of the processor can through to switch control, but can be by external interrupt or exception processing in switching. Most users to run the program in user mode, at this time, applications can't access by some of the operating system protection systems, applications can't directly processor mode switch. When the need for the processor when switching mode, the application can produce exception handling, in the exception handling of processor switching mode.
The mode of operation is not all CPU, MUP processing unit has dormancy, such as thumb work mode; Privilege don't know you what is meant by a; Mode is through the control registers to change, is by the software control!
ard disk controller
Integrated SAS 6 / I (with standard) : 4 port SAS controller, including ARM966 processor (don't support RAID)
Integrated PERC 6 / I integrated son card (optional) : SAS 3.0 Gb/s RAID controller, including Intel IOP333 processor and 256 MB cache
The integrated SAS / 5 E (optional) : 8 port SAS no RAID external controller, suitable for MD3000, x8 PCI E
SAS6i and PERC6i is in the same position motherboard equipment, which can only configuration one of them. But ARM966 processor with SAS6i don't have RAID functions, is just a controller just, with the SAS6i equipment only said that can put the hard drive support SAS, but do not use RAID. If be supplied with a RAID in the time required to buying machine configuration PERC6i card, this card is the real SAS RAID controller. In addition PERC6i card because DELL without Win2000 official in the drive, so the server operating system in support no Win2000, but on the CARDS 'chips ?
ARM (Advanced RISC Machines), can think is a company name, can be considered a microprocessor to intellectuals, still can think is a technical name. Is engaged in the technical chip design based on the development of RISC the company, as the intellectual property suppliers, itself does not directly engaged in the chip production, design license by transfer by cooperation company production of distinctive chip.