
Excuse me, what is ∑-enables delta digital-to-analog converters, it's what is the principle

Excuse me, what is ∑-enables delta digital-to-analog converters, it's what is the principle
∑-train A/D converter
- -motor speed and position can by monitoring the motor of each phase current to judgment. ∑-train A/D converter can very accurately monitoring current, so for the motor control application is very ideal. In crane, water pump and fan and so on many kinds of industrial application, motor in high temperature or dangerous work environment. In these applications, internal security is very important, must be isolated current.
- -isolating circuit and digital-to-analog circuit integrated together can in a single package to realize high data transfer rate, low power dissipation and current isolation. ∑-enables delta provide a flow data modulator serial format-the average and on time is proportional to the input signal--so that they are easy to segregation.
Used to convert intermediate frequency signal baseband signal. Provide the first signal source ?

