
Analog-to-digital conversion

Analog-to-digital conversion
Analog-to-digital conversion, higher than the voltage value for 1 A1, A2 value less than the voltage is 0, A1, A2 have some difference between values, so in the A1, A2 the value is between how take? Error processing do?
Good question:
? Aristotle binary logic is that we call the classical logic.
? binary logic can only handle is with the problem, but if the answer is not 0 s and 1 but like choice questions have many choices when it need more value the logic 【 can only handle Discrete Event (Discrete Event) 】.
? Continuous events (Continuous Event), and then need fuzzy logic for the fuzzy logic reasoning is the most basic: if P is Q of the proposition 】
? classical logic is just a special case of the fuzzy logic
From the above definition, look out to solve problems? I have heard the Fuzzy theory (Fuzzy)? "It is you put forward solutions to problems 】
Fuzzy is a new mathematical, originated in 1965 in the United States in the university of California, Berkeley (Berkeley) of the firm's (L.A. Zadeh) professor, simple

